Monday, April 18, 2011

Sun in Taurus in Aries' 2nd house.April 21st-May 21st

When the sun in Taurus is in Aries 2nd house it puts total focus on Manifestation.Something Aries does very well.The thing about manifesting though is that things take time to grow.Aries being a right now orientated sign sometimes they have trouble waiting and letting things develop but during this transit Aries must allow things to grow slow.There is value in allowing something to take it's time to grow.You can't rush everything.Planting food in a garden for instance.No matter what you must let the vegetables grow at their own pace.

       Aries must understand that if you do,do,do,do,do constantly you can lower your value and worth because you are lowering your available energy.You don't have an infinite supply of energy to draw upon so some of this energy must be saved.Some of it must be stored.So this month the universe is telling Aries to save their resources.That may seem to contradict manifesting because manifesting is a product of action but it's not about whether you take action or not,it's about how you take action.This transit take action to be resourceful.Take well planned action.Take calm action.You become valuable when you realize the value of value.

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